05/10/2023 – Today, Portugal remembers 113 years of Republican Regime, 113 years outside the Monarchy.
On 5th October, Portugal commemorates the Revolution that overthrew the Monarchy in 1910 and established the Republic in Portugal. But this is no simple holiday.
It's no coincidence that, during Salazar's dictatorship, the riot police would beat up citizens celebrating the 5th of October. These citizens were defending values and rights that are still ours today and are enshrined in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic. To reach the meaningful 25th April 1974, we had to go through 5th October 1910.
Today, Portugal pays tribute to the revolutionaries, both military and civilian, who were part of the 5 October Revolution, fulfilling the will of the Portuguese people to live in a regime of freedom and justice, as written in the first Republican Constitution of 1911, and leaving behind the Monarchy as a regime.