07/09/2023 - University of Coimbra to create first ancient DNA laboratory in 2024.
The University of Coimbra will create, in 2024, the first ancient DNA laboratory in the country, which aims to be a reference in the areas of evolutionary biology, conservation, health, environment and archaeology.
The new project will involve several teaching and research units of the University of Coimbra, namely the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies (CEIS20), the Centre for Research in Anthropology and Health (CIAS) of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology (FCTUC), the Department of Life Sciences of FCTUC, the Botanical Garden, the Science Museum, or the Faculty of Letters (FLUC).
The laboratory will be integrated into a global network of scientific institutions specialising in ancient DNA, forensic genetics, evolutionary biology, archaeology, linguistics, and museology, explained the vice-coordinator of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Coimbra, João Carlos Teixeira, who will be the principal investigator of this new structure.
The future laboratory aims to study the adaptation and mobility of populations and species in response to environmental changes, the use of ancient, environmental, and forensic DNA for biodiversity monitoring, invasive species, food quality and preservation of natural resources.